Thursday, December 1, 2011

15 months

Sorry it's been so long. Well, Fall is here and we are loving it! Becca is growing up so fast its hard to keep up. She just had her 15 month check up the other day and is doing wonderful. She is now 20 lbs and 11 oz (20th percentile) and is 31" inches long (75th percentile). Looks like we have one long skinny girl. She is talking so much more now and will almost try any word you ask her to say even if it doesn't sound just like what you said but she is trying. She is on a wonderful schedule and sleeps 8pm to 7am and takes a 2- 3 hour nap every day. She is attempting to run and its so cute! she runs up and down our long hallway in the house and she thinks its so much fun. She loves to dance now. Most nights while I am cooking dinner Daddy turns on some music and they dance and dance and dance. Its pretty funny to watch. She loves watching Blues clues which she calls "blu"  and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse which she calls "hot dog." If you watch the show you'll know why. She very clearly now says "Momma" and "Daddy" and knows which one it which. She recently is in the phase where she never wants Mommy to leave her side and if she does, its a big meltdown. Looking forward to this phase passing. We've also started noticing that she has had some night terrors. I am hoping this passes quickly too.

We are in a nice groove now and are very thankful for that. We are so looking forward to Christmas this year as Becca can start understanding a little bit more about the excitement of Santa and presents. Thanksgiving was wonderful but I am sad I didn't take many, okay barely any pictures. Now with a toddler I spend more time running after her then taking pictures. Halloween was great too, Becca was a lady bug and went to a few houses for the first time.

( October 2011)

( we got a big girl potty for Becca but have not started training her yet, just getting her use to the idea)

(November 2011)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

62 Minutes to Save the World

This blog is inspired by Enjoying the Small Things

The blog that inspired me to do this post is a stay home mother of 2 and had been busy with day to day chores and errands and experimented with taking one hour and giving her 2 kids her full attention, and giving it her all. As a mother of one and understanding sometimes the laundry, or dinner or dishes sometimes overwhelm us and we have a little one at our ankle fussing and wanting our undivided attention can be a struggle sometimes. Recently, our house has been sick. Just stomach bug and sinus infection sick and I felt a sense of guilt of not being able to give Becca my all, my A game. I know the whole "you can't take care of others if you don't take care of your self" saying, but it was really hard. I think it was hard because its been more than a week of sickness. So, now that I am feeling better her blog inspired me. I wanted to give Becca my undivided attention.. my all.

So, here I tracked it. Pulling out of our drive way at 5:18. Calling the hubby and letting him know that we were off for an adventure and we would be home soon.

The beach was our adventure. I am sad to say living so close to the beach you would think that wouldn't be an adventure but we take it for granted.

I let her play in the sand and didn't stress about her being a mess or trying to stay clean. She loves to dig!

We explored...

We searched for shells...

We awed at the waves crashing...

We sat in wet sand and watched surfers...

We left imprints...

and made it back in time for dinner.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

our weekends

I love our weekends.
This past weekend was a great weekend.
Friday was spent at the beach for a play date.
Becca and her friends looking for shells.

her hair looks red in this picture.

I love this picture I got with my camera. Her shirt, tutu and facial expression just gets to me.

Our gift to her for her birthday is a Red Flyer Wagon. Daddy and Becca are working hard to put it together while Allie supervises.

I think she loves it!

Saturday night we celebrated my birthday with Jason's parents. Becca had some tickle time with Grandpa. It was adorable!

She has recently learned where her belly button is and will show me 50 times a day. She was showing us here where it was just in case you weren't sure where it is located.

Our weekends are special. I feel like I try to squeeze the most out of them. Becca loves having Daddy home and so does Mommy. Saturdays usually have some type of adventure and Sundays, oh Sundays. I love Sundays.
I love the feeling of Sundays, like when you take a blanket out of the dryer and wrap yourself up in it. Our Sunday's are started off with hearing the Lord's word, followed by brunch and then the best part. Sunday afternoon naps.
Our naps are echoed with the sound of football that Daddy watches while the girls (including Allie) take our nap.
I try and save my favorite meal for Sunday nights. I hope we always keep this tradition of having everyone home for Sunday night dinners. I picture our table surrounded with kids and stories of the past week and what is going on in their lives at the moment and stories ending with bellowing laughs. 
Our weekends. Only 5 days till our weekend returns.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Favorite Day.

Today was a favorite day. Better than a great day... it was a favorite day.
One of those days you look back on and wonder if that is what heaven is like.
It started off waking up with my love bug playing with all of the toys she received the day before for her birthday. A nice preview of what Christmas is like. We opened box after box of new toys.. saying "oh! what does this do?" " Look Becca! how cool!"
I took a billion pictures... I won't share them all. Just thought this summed up our favorite morning. It ended with Mommy making a deal with Daddy if he would get up and put together a gift that required a hammer and maybe a nail or two that I would go get McDonald's while he "slaved" over putting this gift together. He fell for it ; ) 

Our day continued with a wonderful time at Church. 
Then a surprise when we got home. A new hammock in our backyard to play on. We spent some nice time relaxing in our new surprise. 
We also sneaked into the fridge midday and ate some cake. Shhhh

Our evenings are becoming favorites. Since it is getting a tad cooler after dinner we play in the front yard.

Tonight we brought out the side walk chalk!

( I love this picture. This tree was planted days after she was born. I love seeing both of them grow and become big and strong)

she has a love for dogs. 

I live for her hugs

Most of our favorite evenings Daddy tries to find something to do outside. Tonight it was putting in a new mail box since days earlier we received a love note from our new home owners association saying our mail box was crooked. Our handyman

We admired the swirly clouds

This picture sums up a perfect ending to our FAVORITE day.


The day finally came. The day I've been waiting for. It came faster then I ever thought.
Becca's 1st Birthday
I wanted to soak in every moment.
It was great! We were surrounded by our family and friends.


She ate cake

She wore a cute outfit

She knew exactly what to do

She shared with Daddy

she bounced

she sat in her new beach chair that Great Grandma gave her

After math of her party. She is one spoiled gal. Sometimes I don't think being spoiled is such a bad thing, just means she is loved by many. What a wonderful day celebrating our little love bug.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Angel here on Earth

We celebrated Granny's 80th Birthday this past weekend. 
This woman is an angel here on Earth. It may sound cheesy but it is the truth. 
I can't begin to explain all this woman has done for me in my life. She gives and gives and never expects anything in return. 
She is:
loving to the point you have no doubt that she cares for you
funny- she is a clown
young at heart
and I believe with every ounce in my heart and soul that God 
made her SO special. 
 She has been such a rock in my life and it was so great to celebrate her since she is always celebrating us. She made a beautiful speech and made us laugh all while wearing her "princess" crown.
I love her and hope she had an amazing day.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Really Walking

She is really walking now. Like without Mommy or Daddy holding her hand. She is very determined and can be stubborn sometimes... wonder who she gets that from? I felt like a kid with a new toy I kept wanting to play with her but she was tired from all the excitement and was ready for a nap. I let her nap but kept checking the monitor for any noise that sounded like she was awake so we could play again. She is so proud of her new accomplishment and I am beaming. My baby is turning into a toddler. 
Tomorrow will be a year from her original due date. WOW! It felt like yesterday that I was gigantic, wasn't sleeping and was so emotional and then when the 20th came and went without Becca I waved the white flag and gave up! One week later she made her entrance. We laugh today that if I wasn't induced that she would still be nice and cozy in Mommy's tummy. Some days I wish she still was. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Catching up

Sorry its been so long. Our Summer has been busy but so much fun.

Fourth of July with my beautiful 10 month old

Our family

Her first pigtails!!! what is the point of having a girl if you can't play with different hair styles?

Oh yeah, she is walking now!! The day she turned 11 months old she took her first steps!
I swear she woke up one morning and went from baby to toddler. How come I don't have a say in this? I want her to stay little forever.

Her first box she played in. First of many of her childhood. The box belongs to her new big girl car seat. She is still facing backwards because last time we weighed her she is still a small 19.5 lbs. I believe still the 30-40th  percentile.

she cracks me up! 

She loves our new front loading washing machine. Not as much as Mommy loves it though.

Daddy taught her "where's your nose"

We have one more trip this summer and then I will be able to catch up more often. I hope everyone has had a fun summer like us.