Monday, August 22, 2011

Angel here on Earth

We celebrated Granny's 80th Birthday this past weekend. 
This woman is an angel here on Earth. It may sound cheesy but it is the truth. 
I can't begin to explain all this woman has done for me in my life. She gives and gives and never expects anything in return. 
She is:
loving to the point you have no doubt that she cares for you
funny- she is a clown
young at heart
and I believe with every ounce in my heart and soul that God 
made her SO special. 
 She has been such a rock in my life and it was so great to celebrate her since she is always celebrating us. She made a beautiful speech and made us laugh all while wearing her "princess" crown.
I love her and hope she had an amazing day.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Really Walking

She is really walking now. Like without Mommy or Daddy holding her hand. She is very determined and can be stubborn sometimes... wonder who she gets that from? I felt like a kid with a new toy I kept wanting to play with her but she was tired from all the excitement and was ready for a nap. I let her nap but kept checking the monitor for any noise that sounded like she was awake so we could play again. She is so proud of her new accomplishment and I am beaming. My baby is turning into a toddler. 
Tomorrow will be a year from her original due date. WOW! It felt like yesterday that I was gigantic, wasn't sleeping and was so emotional and then when the 20th came and went without Becca I waved the white flag and gave up! One week later she made her entrance. We laugh today that if I wasn't induced that she would still be nice and cozy in Mommy's tummy. Some days I wish she still was. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Catching up

Sorry its been so long. Our Summer has been busy but so much fun.

Fourth of July with my beautiful 10 month old

Our family

Her first pigtails!!! what is the point of having a girl if you can't play with different hair styles?

Oh yeah, she is walking now!! The day she turned 11 months old she took her first steps!
I swear she woke up one morning and went from baby to toddler. How come I don't have a say in this? I want her to stay little forever.

Her first box she played in. First of many of her childhood. The box belongs to her new big girl car seat. She is still facing backwards because last time we weighed her she is still a small 19.5 lbs. I believe still the 30-40th  percentile.

she cracks me up! 

She loves our new front loading washing machine. Not as much as Mommy loves it though.

Daddy taught her "where's your nose"

We have one more trip this summer and then I will be able to catch up more often. I hope everyone has had a fun summer like us.