Friday, December 24, 2010

1 year

So, one year ago today Jason and I were sharing with our family that in August 2010 we would have a baby! I can't believe how extremely fast time goes by. I am reflecting on the 2 weeks that we waited before sharing the news and how I felt like I was going to bust at the seams. I wanted to tell everyone we were expecting! I also knew how special it would be to wait till Christmas Eve and Christmas day to share the big news.
The first night was Christmas Eve and we were sharing it with my side of the family first. I remember driving to my Dad's house and being so nervous that I wanted to throw up. Okay, maybe it was just being pregnant that made me feel like I was going to throw up but, we didn't know how my Dad was going to react. I've always been 'Daddy's little girl' and I knew it would be very emotional for him. As he opened his gift which was a picture frame with one of his grandkids and then a blank spot in the next frame that said "grandkid #2 due to arrive in 8 months". Haha it took him a few minutes to get it but once he did he couldn't even speak and tears were rolling down his face. One of the best moments in my life. Afterwards we headed to my Aunts house to see all my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins and to tell them. Once walking into the door my Aunt and Uncle approached us to give us hugs along with their new child and they were telling us to have kids soon and not to get old and have kids later. Little did they know that in just a few minutes we were going to announce our big news. After our prayer my wonderful husband stepped up and expressed to my family that we were excited that we were going to be parents! We were embraced with hugs, kisses and advice for the future.
Later that night Jason and I were on cloud nine and couldn't wait until morning when we could share with his family.
Christmas morning came and we unwrapped all our presents. To this day it was the LONGEST morning ever before we shared our last present with Jason's parents. We told them we had one more gift left for them to open. It was a picture frame that said "Picture of Grandchild to come in 8 months". I'll never forget their reactions. My father in-law kept saying "really? seriously? really?". My mother in law started to cry. Okay, I cried too! I was so excited to give them a grandchild.
At that moment in time I kept thinking that next Christmas our child would be with us and we would be parents. I was excited, nervous and proud all at the same time. Of coarse Christmas had to be the first day that I was sick. Boy, I had no idea what was in store.
I am so very excited to look back a year ago and remember all the excitement of last Christmas and so very happy to have our little Becca with us.
From the Conwell family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday Faces- 16 weeks and rolling over

While putting Becca on the floor Friday for our usual tummy time it turned into ROLLING OVER! I screamed, clapped and yes, I cried. I was so excited! One of the major benefits of being a stay at home Mom. I am so glad that I was able to experience this moment. Someone wasn't joking when they said how fast time flies by when they are young and enjoy every moment of it. Trust me I am. I don't want to miss anything and I try to cherish every moment I have with her before she turns into an adult and I am wondering what happened to my baby. 
I hope you enjoy this and please excuse Allie (our chocolate lab) in the background. She was just as excited.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas 

I am pretty much crazy about this little girl and picture. How did I get so lucky?

The Conwells

Friday Faces- 15 weeks

15 weeks?! 15 weeks??? Someone please stop time... 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

14 weeks

Becca is 14 weeks! Now that she is 3 months old here are the wonderful things she is doing
  • weighs 13 lbs 10 oz
  • is in the 90th percentile for her height
  • rolls from her back to the front (only Jason has seen this)
  • giggles
  • grabs, shakes and hits toys
  • follows objects
  • drools all the time (3 bibs a day)
  • sleeps 9 hours a night
  • is starting to grab mommy or daddies food and watch us eat
  • likes to stand (of course with our help)
  • hold her head up 
Christmas is just around the corner and we are very excited for Becca's 1st Christmas. I think Santa is bringing her a jumperoo ;)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours started out with a great surprise that Jason got off work early and was able to join us going to the fort with my family for Thanksgiving. Even though it was super hot outside it was great to see all my family.

Before going to Jason's parents for dinner we were able to come home and relax for a little bit.

Once we got to Jason's parents there was a place set up at the table for her! How cute! Next year she can sit at the table with us.

Becca and her Dee Dee

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Daddy making Becca giggle

Becca has just recently started to giggle and of course she would only do it for me and not for Jason, but just last week she finally did it for him. Now, our goal was to make sure the video camera was around when she would do it and that wasn't easy. I was sitting in the office while Jason was changing her diaper I heard her giggle and ran for the camera. I am so happy we finally got it on camera to share with everyone.
I hope this makes you smile like it makes me.

Friday, November 19, 2010

12 weeks

Becca is 12 weeks today. My baby is growing so fast. What I love about this pictures is in the mornings when she wakes up I can hear her on the monitor "talking" to her lamb and looking at him. Sometimes I enjoy watching her do this and I know what she really wants is me to come and get her and feed her but I just find it so cute. I also love that Jason had a stuffed animal when he was a child that was called 'Lammie'. 
Becca is on a really good and steady schedule now and goes to bed at 10pm and wakes up between 7-7:30am. We've been busy these past two weeks because my Dad has been home resting after his back surgery so we've been over there visiting. It has been great that Becca has got to spend time with her Grandpa and even her Great Granny 'Loach'. I want her to be surrounded with the people who made me the person I am today and I love that I am at a point in my life that the people who raised me get to see me raise a child. I just hope that I can be anywhere close to how great they were to me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11 weeks

Becca is 11 weeks now and doing great! She is still sleeping 8-9 hours a night in her own crib and mommy couldn't be happier about that.
I am just enjoying her learning something new everyday.

Friday, October 22, 2010

8 Weeks

Becca is 8 weeks today!!!
She is now sleeping on a average 7-8 hours at night
She is growing beautifully

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we went to Becca and Jason's first pumpkin patch!
Even though she was asleep for most of it and probably won't remember it is a great tradition to start.
Our little family
You can really tell in this picture that Becca looks like Jason
her face is priceless

Friday, October 8, 2010

6 weeks 10/8/10

Becca is 6 weeks today! 
I can't believe how fast she is growing.
The past two nights she has actually slept for 6 hours straight! 
Thank the Lord :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday morning

When I was a child my Dad would take pictures of us Sunday morning before church since we were all dressed so nice and clean. So, I decided to follow in my father's foot steps.
Jason's parents gave us a tree to plant in honor of Becca after she was born. I can't wait to see it grow as we watch our little Becca grow too
Daddy and Becca

Friday, October 1, 2010

5 weeks 10/1/2010

Today Becca is 5 weeks old! 
Becca has been really lucky to have some neighbors down the street who have a 1 year girl who gives Becca her hand me downs. Last night Becca got this swing from them and as you can see loves it! 

4 weeks 9/24/10

These pictures are from last week. I am trying to take pictures every Friday to see her growth. Becca is 4 weeks in this picture
I think Becca looks just like her Daddy here
making a silly face

Monday, September 27, 2010

Becca at 1 month

So, Today is Becca's 1 month!! 
Wow, I really can't get over how fast that went. I feel like I just left the hospital the other day. To sum up the first month is that it has been the biggest learning experience of my life. I really learn something new everyday. I tend to be a control freak and am very hard on myself for everything to be perfect. That is the BIGGEST hold back when you have a child. Clearly, no one or nothing is perfect. There were days full of tears and days full of smiles and I believe it is going to continue that way. Welcome to parenthood right?
She is the most amazing thing in the world. I can't grasp how big of a connection I have with someone who can't even talk. I love her with all of my heart and would do anything for her.
She is doing beautifully. She is 22 inches long (90th percentile)! She is going to be a tall girl. Can we sign her up for volleyball now? She weighs 9lbs 14oz (75th percentile). Weight is such a nerve racking thing to hear, especially if your breastfeeding because you really hope that what your body is making is enough for your growing child. So, I am extremely happy that she is gaining weight. Her head is 14 1/2 inches round. 
At this point in time, she is feeding well and sleeping well. She is in her own crib and gets up once in the night.
God has blessed me with the best thing in life. I am enjoying it everyday.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Go Gators!

Becca is a big Gator Fan!!


A week after Becca was born we had a newborn photoshoot with Elle Photography! She did a great job and we love the photos.

I am glad we got these done so we can always remember her first week


so precious

sound asleep :)

Rebecca "Becca" Taylor Conwell

Rebecca Taylor Conwell was born August 27th, 2010 @ 7:59pm
Weighing 8lbs 4oz.
20 inches long and beautiful!
Even though she was a week late we couldn't be happier.

I was only in labor for 10 hours and pushed for 30 minutes. My doctor was impressed for a first time mother. They said usually first time mothers push for 2-3 hours!! I guess I just really wanted her here. We checked in on a Friday and was home Sunday afternoon. We love our little family!
Daddy and Becca
Leaving the hospital