Nocatee Park with Daddy
Beautiful daughter
first time in a swing
Becca is 5 months old now!
- She can roll over both ways
- She can sit up
- She can pull toys toward her
- EVERYTHING is going in the mouth
- She has started solids and has eaten
- squash- didn't like
- carrots
- sweet potato
- green beans
- banana
- apple
- rice cereal
- oatmeal
- is exploring her voice
- laughs a lot with Daddy
- has her hands in her mouth a lot or her toes
- loves going for walks
- has been in a nursery twice....harder for mommy then for Becca
- is growing like a weed. Wears size 3 diapers and is in 6-9 month clothing but closer to 9 month clothing.
- still sleeps 9-10 hours and takes 2 naps a day
- loves when people sing to her