Sorry it's been so long. Well, Fall is here and we are loving it! Becca is growing up so fast its hard to keep up. She just had her 15 month check up the other day and is doing wonderful. She is now 20 lbs and 11 oz (20th percentile) and is 31" inches long (75th percentile). Looks like we have one long skinny girl. She is talking so much more now and will almost try any word you ask her to say even if it doesn't sound just like what you said but she is trying. She is on a wonderful schedule and sleeps 8pm to 7am and takes a 2- 3 hour nap every day. She is attempting to run and its so cute! she runs up and down our long hallway in the house and she thinks its so much fun. She loves to dance now. Most nights while I am cooking dinner Daddy turns on some music and they dance and dance and dance. Its pretty funny to watch. She loves watching Blues clues which she calls "blu" and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse which she calls "hot dog." If you watch the show you'll know why. She very clearly now says "Momma" and "Daddy" and knows which one it which. She recently is in the phase where she never wants Mommy to leave her side and if she does, its a big meltdown. Looking forward to this phase passing. We've also started noticing that she has had some night terrors. I am hoping this passes quickly too.
We are in a nice groove now and are very thankful for that. We are so looking forward to Christmas this year as Becca can start understanding a little bit more about the excitement of Santa and presents. Thanksgiving was wonderful but I am sad I didn't take many, okay barely any pictures. Now with a toddler I spend more time running after her then taking pictures. Halloween was great too, Becca was a lady bug and went to a few houses for the first time.
( October 2011)
( we got a big girl potty for Becca but have not started training her yet, just getting her use to the idea)
(November 2011)